Wednesday, May 14, 2014

David, Jason Benham Can't Seem To Shut Up About Being Silenced By The Dreaded Gay Agenda

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham on Monday told Glenn Beck that gays are being used by Satan to silence Jesus' message.
Last week, HGTV decided against moving forward with a reality series already in production starring the Benham brothers. While the network has not discussed its reasons, it acted less than 24 hours after Right Wing Watch issued a report on the brothers' anti-gay activism.

The brothers have stated in various appearances that they love gays but oppose the “gay agenda,” and that they were the victims of a “smear campaign.”
The fight was “spiritual,” not physical, Jason said.
“From the beginning of time, it was God and there was the Devil and both of them use people for their own purposes,” he said.
David explained that if Satan knows that the “knowledge of the truth is what sets men free,” then he must suppress the truth about Jesus Christ's message.
“If you say, 'The homosexual community is the enemy and they're doing this.' No, it's not the homosexual community. It's God versus the Devil,” Jason said. “And there is a small minority of people in this world, heterosexual or homosexual, that buy into the idea of this agenda that wants to silence people.”
Christians, David added, are “called to restrain evil so that good may flourish,” and “this polarized environment in which we live is being operated by a demonic agenda to suppress the truth.”

Ummm...okaaay...same old tired story, homosexuals (can't help but notice, neither will use the word *gay*) aren't evil, homosexuality is and as good Christians, they love oppressing them, denying them basic human rights and forcing them to be treated as second class citizens, oh, and they can't understand why we won't let them treat us with intolerance and not speak out against it, after all, they are just doing what Gawd told em too. (I know, poor baby's, we're just fucking pricks that way)

What I want to know, if we have silenced these two bozo's, why is it, I keep seeing them on TV and in daily print?


  1. Christians, David added, are “called to restrain evil so that good may flourish,”

    no, not so much....

    Matthew 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil ....

    I told you, in a earlier comment, that this was going to be their ticket to the big time.

    Guess you didn't believe me.

  2. Yes,Jesus said,"resist not evil" bcs in his understanding when you see the good in ALL, there IS NO evil. To confront.
    Of course, 99% of 'Christians' (not being followers of Jesus)& being 'slow' mentally don't know what he said - even if it's in plain English - which the King James version IS NOT!(U do know, King James was gay) - or how to interpret what he said. Not to mention all the things in the Bible itself that go against what Jesus taught.
    AND - A N D !!! (This one always gets me!) IF God created everyone, IF God knows everything... All that has been & All that will be, Didn't he know when he created the angel who'd become Satan that Satan would then cause havoc on earth? So, in effect, God created an IMperfect world (including IMperfect people) and WE have to suffer the consequences (of HELL, as in "Hell on Earth" & Hell when you die!)while he la-de-dahs it up in Heaven. And, if as the "Christians" will tell you, "But we ALL have free will!" BUT God KNOWS (supposedly, again) WHAT we'll CHOOSE in ADVANCE - when he created EACH one of us. So in effect (again) he's created billions of people - BILLIONS, to writhe in excruciating pain FOREVER!
    Jesus said, "God is Love."
    Sounds more like God is an escapee from the Big Crazy House somewhere out in Space. HE (notice also there's NO Mrs. God!)sounds spaced out..just IMhO.

  3. They will be opening their very on stadium mega church soon.

  4. This is a reminder of how otherwise good-looking guys can become ugly and unattractive when they open their mouths and spew stupidity. They actually work against their 'cause' because educated people are turned off by this nonsense. Oh, and try to find a reference to 'Satan' in the Old Testament...the snake was a metaphor for male sexuality. B

  5. Satan is in the book of Job, one of - if not, the oldest books of the Bible.
    Again! In that cockamamie story - which is the ONLY one that even tries to give an explanation of why bad things happen to good people - Satan TEMPTS God by saying, "OH, of course Job worships you. That's bcs he's life is full of good things. Just take them away & Job'll curse you!" So, here again, God who's supposed to know ALL things past & present, should know what Job'll do under duress, But lets Satan take away/destroy Job's entire family, his flocks, his HEALTH and Job still worships God! So for what purpose did he make Job suffer? to prove it to Satan? Who the heck - I mean Hell, is Satan (who God created!) that God has something to prove to him!? Is Satan God's equal or boss? Dumbass story...
