Thursday, May 8, 2014

Twins David, Jason Benham 'Saddened' By HGTV's Decision To Cancel Show

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham on Thursday issued a statement saying they are “saddened” by HGTV's decision to cancel their upcoming reality show.
Flip It Forward, set to premiere in October, featured the bothers as they helped families buy and sell distressed properties for a profit.

Network executives acted after Right Wing Watch published a report on the brothers' activism.
David Benham compared opposition to marriage equality to efforts to defeat Nazi Germany and stated that gay men need to find God. The brothers also staged a prayer rally in Charlotte in part to protest the city's acceptance of marriage equality.
In a statement, the brothers denied they were anti-gay.
“The first and last thought on our minds as we begin and end each day is; have we shined Christ's light today? Our faith is the fundamental calling in our lives, and the centerpiece of who we are. As Christians we are called to love our fellow man. Anyone who suggests that we hate homosexuals or people of other faiths is either misinformed or lying. Over the last decade, we've sold thousands of homes with the guiding principle of producing value and breathing life into each family that has crossed our path, and we do not, nor will we ever discriminate against people who do not share our views.”
“We were saddened to hear HGTV's decision. With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals.”
“If our faith cost us a television show, then so be it,” they added.

Sorry guys, your faith didn't cost you a TV show, your bigotry did.
But don't take my word for it,  here's what David said in 2012 at a prayer rally in North Carolina:
We don’t realize that, OK, if 87 percent of Americans are Christians and yet we have abortion on demand; we have no-fault divorce; we have pornography and perversion; we have homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation; we have adultery; we have all of the things; we even have allowed demonic ideologies to take our universities and our public school systems while the church sits silent and just builds big churches.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how this happened but these two are living martyrs now.

    If they are clever, they can probably milk this for millions.
    Good thing I'm not the suspicious and cynical kind.

    We have not seen the last of these two.

    Your guess is as good as mine if we see them on Forbes or The Smoking Gun next.
