Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bishop Robert Morlino: Gay Marriage Threatens 'Everything That Is Good, Beautiful'

Robert C. Morlino, the Roman Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin says he's “deeply saddened” by a federal judge's ruling striking down the state's ban on gay marriage.
U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb last week struck down Wisconsin's 2006 voter-approved constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples, opening the door for nearly 600 gay and lesbian couples to marry. On Friday, she put her order on hold pending an appeal.
In an undated blog post, Morlino insisted that marriage “is, and can only ever be, a unique relationship solely between one man and one woman, regardless of the decision of a judge or any vote.”
“This is not based on any private sectarian viewpoint, but on the natural moral law that is universally binding on all peoples, at all times, and inscribed into our human nature, as man and woman from the beginning of creation. It behooves us to safeguard the sacred ecology of all nature, especially of our human nature.”
“In striking down the constitutional amendment in our state which protects marriage, the court has, once again, shaken one of the most precious and essential building blocks of our civilization. There can be no question that the best formation for children is in the home of their biological mother and father, generally speaking, and we should always have a greater concern for future generations than we do for ourselves.”
Morlino added that allowing gay couples to marry threatens “everything that is good, true, and beautiful, which is rooted in the natural family.”
“Marriage, between one man and one women with openness to children, is an element of the very first 'domino' of civilization. The very nature of marriage naturally generates life. When that first 'domino' falls, everything that is good, true, and beautiful, which is rooted on the natural family, is seriously threatened. If the 'domino' of true marriage falls, then fall all subsequent 'dominoes.' This is demonstrated, too often, in a culture that increasingly chooses death over life.”
And so, I cannot find myself otherwise than deeply saddened. We trust that every avenue of just recourse will be examined and pursued by competent authorities, including the state attorney general. The Diocese of Madison will participate in the way that seems most prudent. For my own part, I will continue to speak strongly about the truth and beauty of marriage and encourage my brother priests and deacons, and all the lay faithful, to do the same.”

"Natural family", what does that even mean?
Using unnatural analogies to express heartless bigotry, the perpetuation of hate through fear mongering all word tools we in the gay community have become accustomed to when dealing with religious/political movements.
Every time I hear an asshole like this speak (and there are so many of them) I can't help but think of two things,
What Thomas Jefferson had to say about priest:
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is easier to acquire wealth and power by this combination than by deserving them, and to effect this, they have perverted the purest religion ever preached to man into mystery and jargon, unintelligible to all mankind, and therefore the safer engine for their purposes."
-- Thomas Jefferson, to Horatio G Spafford, March 17, 1814
The second thing I think of, is the scene from Monty Pythons "Holy Grail" about witch hunting:

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