Sunday, June 22, 2014

When first we practice to deceive...

A Texas ‘ex-gay’ activist has claimed he knows “at least 500″ people who have had their sexuality changed.
Jeremy Schwab, who was responsible for introducing a plank to the Republican state platform which ‘recognizes the legitimacy and value’ of the therapy, made the claim to WFAA.
He said: “There are counselors out there who help us overcome same-sex attraction by finding need fulfillment in other ways in our lives and by addressing emotional wounds, and for us that has reduced the same-sex attraction significantly.”
“For many of us, at least 500 people that I know that experience same-sex attraction, the gay lifestyle is just not an option for us, because of our own faith and our own values.”
Schwab last week claimed that he replaced his own same-sex attraction with food.
Earlier this week, the chair of the Texas Republican party has claimed that delegates were “forced” to pass the platform, due to a loophole in conference rules.
Texas GOP Chair Steve Munisteri had said: “My emails and phone calls to the office from Republicans are running overwhelmingly opposed to that plank in the platform.
“Because the way the platform works, once somebody calls the question on the platform it’s a parliamentary maneuver.

“The delegates are really forced to pass the platform as is, because if you don’t there is no platform.”

Schwab claims he knows 500 ex-gays?
Here's what he said about his ex-gayness in a brief exchange on facebook with one of his ex lovers:
Charles Mark Vaughan: Oh he's gay. There are several people who can attest to his "skills" or lack there of (unfortunately, I'm included). And if by "ex-gay" he means he hasn't been to Club Dallas since the weekend before last then...okay, then he's an "ex-gay".
Jeremy Schwab: Hi Charlie, I hope you are doing well.
While I've lived a chaste life for the past four years, I do not claim to be "cured" and I do not use the term "Ex-Gay." Reparative Therapy is ONE thing that has helped me and others tremendously, but it is not an end in and of itself.

Charles Mark Vaughan: Do not speak to me like we are friends. Your little "reform" has attacked me, my community, my friends and family, and everyone that is trying to overcome all the hatred that is spit out into this world. I have known you for most of my adult life and knew what you dealt and struggled with and kept my mouth shut. But your self-loathing and hatred has extended far beyond what I even thought another human being was capable of. To write a piece of legislature like you did is disgusting and very un-Christ like. But it's okay, we've been fighting bigger pieces of shit legislation than yours longer than you know. And when we see thru this one, and you can come to terms with who you really are and can accept it, we will still welcome you with open arms. Because HATE, is not a family value!
I look forward to the day when gay men don't have too live in fear, not only from their community, but from their friends and family;but most of all, that they don't have to hide from themselves...their TRUE selves!

1 comment:

  1. The only thing exgay about him is the money he has taken by causing pain to them. You know what's worse than feeling like a piece of shit because of guilt? When you actually are one Jeremy Schwab.
