Monday, July 14, 2014

Faux Christian Group, American Family Association, Bath In The Blood Of Their Victims

Christian conservative group American Family Association (AFA) has reiterated its support for controversial therapies aimed at turning gay people straight.
In an AFA Journal column, the group's Ed Vitagliano explained that people who have been unsuccessful at praying the gay away failed to call on the power of God “to gain mastery over [their] impulses.”

“Countless people who self-identify as homosexual claim to have prayed endlessly for God to remove their same sex attractions – to no avail,” Vitagliano wrote.
“This is not the whole story, of course. Despite the media's refusal to consider the reality of 'ex-gay' people, there are clearly many who have left the lifestyle. While temptation remains, they have – by God's grace – reoriented their affections to the opposite sex.”
“What, then, do we say to the gay man and the lesbian? What are they to do with their brokenness? First, if they remain defiant in it, they will eternally perish. Yet this is no different than the drunkard or the fornicator or the liar or the idolater. All who remain in their rebellion are damned.”

So, let's get this str8 (pun intended) all you have to do is lie harder to yourself, become even more depressed and miserable and not only ruin your own life but that of the poor innocent people who thought you were *fixed* by Jesus.
Yup, the AFA does have a brilliant agenda for the homosexual community, rob you blind, make your life a meaningless, futile, loveless, self loathing quest that will more than likely end in complete disaster for everyone, yourself included and for what, to please a group of people who want nothing more than see you dead?
Keep drinking the Koolaid if this sounds like a wonderful, rich rewarding life to you!

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