Sunday, July 20, 2014

Governor Mary Fallin Is Still An Evil Bitch

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, a Republican, said Friday she was “dismayed” by a federal appeals court's affirmation of a lower court's ruling striking down Oklahoma's ban on gay marriage.
A divided three-judge panel of the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver declared Oklahoma must allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. Last month, the same panel upheld a ruling knocking down Utah's ban. Utah officials have since announced they'll ask the Supreme Court to review the case.
“Dismayed the federal courts once again ignored the will of the people & trampled on the ability of states to govern,” Fallin said in a tweet to her more than 18,700 followers.
In a statement, she said she personally supports the ban and would appeal the ruling.
“In 2004, voters had an opportunity to decide whether or not to allow same-sex marriage in Oklahoma,” Fallin said. “Seventy-six percent voted not to, and to instead define marriage as the union between one man and one woman. I was one of the many voters who cast my ballot in favor of traditional marriage.”
“Today's ruling is another instance of federal courts ignoring the will of the people and trampling on the rights of states to govern themselves. In this case, two judges have acted to overturn a law supported by Oklahomans. Their decision will be appealed and, I hope, overturned. As governor, I will continue to fight back against our federal government when it seeks to ignore or change laws written and supported by Oklahomans.”

And if 76 percent voted that women should stay in the home being subservient to their husbands and be nothing but incubators for his progeny, then you'd be okay with that too?

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