Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lutheran Archbishop apologizes to gays for "cruel treatment"

The head of Finland’s Lutheran Evangelical Church publicly apologized to homosexuals and other sexual minorities for what he said was the cruel treatment they had received.
“When I think of the outside pressure and treatment that we have been guilty of displaying towards sexual minorities as a church and as a society for decades and how it still continues, I think it’s time for an apology. Without any explanations or prevarications,” he declared.
Mäkinen added that “cruelty is cruelty” even if it has become more subtle than before. He said he hoped that his apology would encourage others in the church and in society to follow suit.

Why should the gay community accept your apology when the church still fights against marriage equality in Finland...actions speak louder than words, words that are as empty as the cup from which it flows. 


  1. Ulf you need to read your daily news journals as Finland has allowed Gay Marriage since 2002 but like most scandinavian countries they dont make a big media issue over it like the need to know everything americans

  2. No, you need to get out of your isolationist bubble and read before you comment, Finland just last month (November 28) approved marriage equality.
    True, they did legalize domestic partnerships in 2002..but not marriage, as I stated.
    Nice to know you are bigoted against Americans as well, are you a racist too?
