Friday, July 11, 2014

MN GOP Candidate Bob Frey: Gay Sex Created AIDS

Bob Frey, a Republican candidate for the Minnesota House, has strongly suggested that only gay men acquire AIDS.
Frey is vying to represent house district 47A in Carver County, considered one of the state's most conservative. Frey, owner of Frey Manufacturing, will face off against Waconia Mayor Jim Nash in the August 12 GOP primary.

When the MinnPost asked Frey about social issues – which he earlier stated were not his focus – Frey said that it “does certainly need to be addressed for what it is. It's not about the gay agenda but about the science and the financial impact of that agenda. It's more about sodomy than about pigeonholing a lifestyle.”
Frey went on to state that HIV is not a virus but is instead an enzyme in sperm that is harmless when deposited vaginally but compromises the immune system when introduced anally.
“When you have egg and sperm that meet in conception, there's an enzyme in the front that burns through the egg,” he explained. “The enzyme burns through so the DNA can enter the egg. If the sperm is deposited anally, it's the enzyme that causes the immune system to fail. That's why the term is AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.”
“It's about sodomy. It's huge amounts of money. AIDS is a long term illness, causing pain, suffering, death, a long-term illness that's very expensive to treat,” he added.
Frey's explanation fails to take into account that men and women were having anal intercourse long before AIDS was discovered in the early 80s.

A perfect, living example of the lack of sex education in American schools.
Ignorance isn't blissful, it's dangerous and in this case, woefully self imposed.
Asshats like this, revel in their stupidity and worse yet, think they should be able to focre

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