Liberal Democratic Party MP Roman Khudyakov has written to the
country’s Central Bank, calling for changes under the country’s ‘gay
propaganda’ law to the 100 rouble note – worth about $3 – which
features a statue of Apollo.
He said: “You can see clearly that Apollo is naked, you can see his genitalia.
“I submitted a parliamentary request and forwarded it directly to the
head of the central bank asking for the banknote to be brought into
line with the law protecting children and to remove this Apollo.”
In the letter, he complained that “intimate parts of the body” were
visible on the banknote, which he says should have an “18+” rating under
the anti-gay law.
He said: “As bills of that denomination often get into the hands of
children as pocket money, I strongly request your help in changing the
design of the banknote or otherwise bringing it into accordance with
current legislative regulations.”
I know, he didn't turn gay after looking at 100 rouble, but then again, maybe if ya have enough of them he'd be willing to consider it. (I just vomited in my mouth a little)
If it's Roman's intent to protect children from *nontraditional* sexual practices, maybe his time would best be spent on incest and bestiality, both legal in long as it's heterosexual.
Yup, you can marry your mother and fuck your dog, but don't kiss a boi (or look at dicks on money)
Just goes to show you how ridiculous the Russians are. They can't see the difference between porn and art. I'll bet some of the Russian artists are turning over in their graves.