Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sweden Betrays The Gay Community And Washes It's Hands In the Blood Of Murdered Gay Ugandans

Sweden has announced it will provide $200 million in aid to Uganda over the next five years to improve health care, with a focus on sexual health and human rights - despite being one of the first to withdraw aid over the Central African country’s passing a law punishing homosexuality with terms of up to life in prison.

Sweden announced it would pull development aid from Uganda in March, with Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation Hillevi Engstrom telling Reuters, ‘Swedish aid is not unconditional.’

‘The Government is therefore now choosing to suspend government-to-government payments still due under our current strategy for Uganda, with the exception of research cooperation.’

However Sweden has now renewed aid to the Ugandan Government. ‘Sweden wants to help create better conditions in Uganda for sustainable economic growth and development,’ Engstrom told the Wall Street Journal this week. ‘Sweden continues to support human rights and freedom from violence.’

Sweden was among the first donor nations to freeze aid to Uganda, joining the World Bank, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands in suspending or redirecting up to $120 million in aid.

The Ugandan Government claimed earlier this month that its foreign development partners had ‘misinterpreted’ the intent of the law. Uganda told the Reuters news agency at the beginning of July that the law was only intended to punish ‘open promotion of homosexuality,’ especially to children.

‘Its enactment has been misinterpreted as a piece of legislation intended to punish and discriminate against people of a “homosexual orientation,” especially by our development partners,’ the government said in a statement. Prior to the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Law sex between men in Uganda was already punishable with up to 14 years in prison under colonial era anti-sodomy laws.

Here's what I want to know, exactly how is Sweden "supporting human rights and freedom from violence"
when they are fiscally empowering these monsters to murder gay people?
Does this look like they are just trying to stop the spread of gay propaganda?
And please note, there are Ugandan soldiers, Policemen and yes...children present during these vicious, hateful murders.
Decent, wholesome Christian values at work.


  1. Religion loves to bring the hate.

  2. I blame those evangelical Christians (and I use the word loosely) who went to Uganda and preached anti-gay bullshit and turned the people who were already anti-gay into fanatics.
