Wednesday, August 13, 2014

News Flash....Old White Male Republican Hates Homos

A former aide to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush has criticized the Walt Disney Co., claiming it is pushing a “pro-gay agenda” to children.
Douglas MacKinnon, a columnist for The Tampa Tribune, devoted his Tuesday column to speak out against the company.

“Beginning with the takeover of the company by Michael Eisner in 1984 and continuing under the leadership of Robert Iger since 2005, it can be argued that Disney has been working overtime to redefine 'family values,'” MacKinnon wrote in his piece, titled Disney's Pro-Gay Agenda is Disturbing.
“But beyond his fiscal responsibility to shareholders, does Iger have an even greater responsibility to impressionable children?”
“Disney has made no secret that it pushes a pro-gay agenda. That is most certainly its right. But where does the company draw the line? A former Disney executive I spoke with told me the company has taken direct aim at children to indoctrinate them about gay lifestyles and gay marriage through shows it airs on The Disney Channel and Disney XD.”
“The former executive said one of the more subtle techniques is to incorporate the colors of the gay-pride flag in as many shots as possible. The colors are woven in as a wink and nod to the gay community and show up on shirts, hats, posters, stacked cups and rings. The practice has been picked up by other children's networks and national advertisers.”
“Disney also pushes the gay agenda by introducing openly gay characters and couples on its children's programming. Again, that is their right, but should they be in the business of entertaining children or indoctrinating them?”
Writing at Equality Matters, Luke Brinker noted: “MacKinnon never explains what harm might be caused by featuring gay-inclusive programming – suggesting that he sees an inherent harm in simply letting children know that gay people exist and have families.”

So, exactly who is this *former Disney executive* or is this like those imaginary gay friends you Republicans always say you have?
As for indoctrinating children into the homosexual lifestyle, far better that, than a sad old white guy bitching /whining about his fall from white male supremacy.
Just another dinosaur braying from the tar pit of iniquitous social relevance.


  1. Who knew it was my Mothers stacked color cups that made me turn gay.

  2. I wonder if Disney was actively promoting a "Christian" lifestyle, would he still be wondering if Disney should be "entertaining children or indoctrinating them"?

  3. You beat me to the punch with your question, "Who is this, 'so-called', *former Disney executive*?".

    Republican integrity has gone to hell in a "FLUFFY HAND-BASKET"! Oops, does that sound like a gay reference?
