Saturday, August 23, 2014

St. Louis officer suspended after anti-gay speech is released

A St. Louis area police officer has been suspended after a video was released of him disparaging multiple groups, including the LGBTI community.
Dan Page, a 35-year veteran of the St. Louis County Police Department, faces a review after a 2012 speech was brought to the attention of his superiors by CNN's out anchor Don Lemon.
The lecture, according to the St. Louis Dispatch, was given to a group called Oath Keepers of St. Louis and St. Charles. Formed in 2009, the group is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as a 'far-right... fiercely anti-government, militaristic group.'
He refers to retired US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens as a 'homosexual sodomite' and maintains there are now 'four sodomites on the Supreme Court.' Page, as to be expected, is not a fan of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals openly serving in the armed forces. "In the military right now, you have open sodomy,' the officer explains. 'People holding hands. Swapping spit together. Sick. It's pitiful.'
Page calls President Barack Obama an 'undocumented president,' repeating the discredited theory he was born in Kenya. Page also boasts about his killing prowess. 'I personally believe in Jesus Christ as my lord savior, but I'm also a killer. I've killed a lot,' the officer notes. 'And if I need to, I'll kill a whole bunch more. If you don't want to get killed, don't show up in front of me, it's that simple. I have no problem with it. God did not raise me to be a coward.'
'I'm into diversity. I kill everybody, I don't care,' Page offers. Page came to notice, earlier this week, after a run-with Lemon. The gay newscaster was reporting from Ferguson, Missouri, the town embroiled in controversy over the police shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.
During the reporter's live segment, Page allegedly shoved Lemon. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told the newspaper the officer would not do any police work until the internal review was completed. 'Had he been a probationary officer doing the same thing, I would have fired him two hours ago,' Belmar said.

God didn't raise you at all Dan, your the result of years of religious terrorism embodied in a weak, pathetic buffoon of a man.
The perfect faux-christian soldier, soulless, cold and completely devoid of anything resembling a human being.
All characteristics the religious right finds admirable in their war against humanity.
Daily we are told to fear Muslims and the Islamic religion...and tho this may be true, they are rank amateurs compared with the likes of you, Scott Lively, Peter Labarbera, Linda Harvey, Bryan Fischer, Tony Perkins...the list of evils done in the name of Jesus Christ and your evil religion, grows daily!

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