Vivian Boyack and Alice “Nonie”
Dubes exchanged vows in Davenport, Iowa on Saturday after 72 years
Family and friends attended the
intimate ceremony at First Christian Church.
“This is a celebration of something
that should have happened a very long time ago,” the Rev. Linda
Hunsaker told the couple, the Quad-City
Times reported.
Boyack, 91, and Dubes, 90, met in their
hometown of Yale, Iowa.
In 1947, they moved to Davenport.
“We've had a good time,” Dubes, who
did payroll work, said of the life they shared.
Boyack was an elementary school
“I always wanted to be a teacher,”
she said.
The pair said they have traveled to all
50 states and all the provinces of Canada, and have visited England
Friend Jerry Yeast said he's known the
women since the age of 18.
“I've known these two women all my
life, and I can tell you, they are special. This is a very special
day for all of us,” he said.
Congratulations Ladies!
Awwwwwww! That made my day!