Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Just A Reminder, There Are Good People Out There

A story about a customer being refused service over use of a gay slur has gone viral after it was shared by drag queen/LGBT rights activist Panti Bliss.
A Dublin, Ireland man named Colm shared his story in a Facebook post.

“So I'm in the Spar [supermarket] on Baggot Street getting a few messages [groceries] and, as is my wont, I'm somewhat flamboyantly dressed in a big woolly jumper and short shorts. A D4 head [someone who lives in a privileged area of Dublin] is in front of me in line and he turns to his scaldy hun girlfriend and says to her 'Look at the faggot in the shorts' and they both laugh,” Colm wrote.
Colm said that a Spar employee who overheard the comment refused to serve the man.
“The D4 guy says this is ridiculous, but Spar guy stands his ground, and after a bit of huffing and puffing, D4 Head and Scaldy Hun leave with no smokes and no wine, and I, somewhat blushingly, thank Spar Guy profusely for his decency and get smokes and wine. Here's to Spar Guy.”

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