Thursday, January 1, 2015

3 Florida Counties To End Courthouse Weddings Rather Than Marry Gay Couples

Three Florida counties will end courthouse weddings in the new year, at least in part, to avoid marrying gay and lesbian couples when it becomes legal next week.
A federal judge's ruling striking down Florida's gay marriage ban will likely take effect on Tuesday.
According to The Florida Times-Union, Duval Clerk of Courts Ronnie Fussell, Clay Clerk Tara Green and Baker Clerk Stacie Harvey said that the looming ruling was just one of multiple factors that contributed to the decision to end courthouse weddings.
“It was decided as a team, as an office, this would be what we do so that there wouldn't be any discrimination,” Fussell said. “The easiest way is to not do them at all.”
Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida, called the decision “outrageous.”
“I think it would be outrageous for clerks to change the rules simply because gay couples are getting married,” she told the paper.
Baker Clerk Harvey said that the space used for weddings was being repurposed.
“I needed the space and our county we're in the Bible Belt,” she said. “If we're made by the law to issue a gay marriage license [we will] do that, but we are not mandated to marry couples in our courthouse.”

Which just goes to prove, there is no level to which faux christians will sink too, just so they can hate on anyone different from them.
Gay couples should now sue these individuals and the counties they work in, for not providing civil accommodations based on religious bigotry.

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