Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Catholic Bishops Criticize Florida Gay Marriage Ruling As Hurting Children

The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FLACCB) has criticized a federal judge's ruling striking down Florida's gay marriage ban.
The ruling, which takes effect statewide on Tuesday, was superseded by a state judge's decision on Monday to allow Miami-Dade County to immediately begin issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
Allowing gay couples to marry “advances the notion that marriage is only about the effective gratification of consenting adults. Such a redefinition of marriage does nothing to safeguard a child's right to a mother and father and to be raised in a stable family where his or her development and well-being is served to the greatest extent possible,” the bishops wrote in a statement released Monday.
Marriage equality “threatens both religious liberty and the freedom of individuals to conscientiously object as already seen in those states that have redefined marriage to accommodate same sex couples,” they added.

Yeah, keep lying, continue persecuting homosexuals...your irrational hatred and bigotry is whats truly the driving force toward marriage equality...
For that, I guess we owe you a hearty thank you, but instead I'll just suggest the lot of you go smoke a turd in purgatory. 

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