Saturday, January 3, 2015

Idaho Governor petitions US Supreme Court to reinstate gay marriage ban

A ruling by the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in October legalized same-sex marriage in Idaho after rejecting Idaho Governor CL 'Butch' Otter's argument to uphold the ban. He argued Idaho residents have the right to define marriage as between a man and a woman.
On Friday Otter filed an appeal with the US Supreme Court making good on his promise to take the fight against gay marriage to the highest court. Attorney General Lawrence Wasden has also filed a separate petition to the US Supreme Court.
The case began in November 2013 when four lesbian couples sued the state of Idaho over its 2006 voter-approved constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. At the time, the state also barred domestic partnerships and civil unions.
Magistrate Judge Candy Dale struck down Idaho's same-sex marriage ban on May 13, 2014. Otter and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden appealed that ruling. On Oct 7, 2014, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Dale's ruling, striking down Idaho's ban on same-sex marriage.
The Spokesman-Review reports Otter's argument as claiming that limiting marriage to different-sex couples 'sends a message to heterosexual couples that they should stay together and raise children.' His petition claims that if same-sex couples marry, 'more children of heterosexual couples will likely grow up without the active influence of one or both biological parents, and will therefore face an increased risk of crime, emotional and psychological difficulties, poor performance in school and other ills.'
The 9th Circuit has specifically rejected that argument saying, 'We seriously doubt that allowing committed same-sex couples to settle down in legally recognized marriages will drive opposite-sex couples to sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.' Taxpapers in Idaho will have to pay more than $500,000 in legal costs. In December, a federal judge ordered the state to pay more than $400,000 to the lawyers who successfully fought to overturn the state's ban on gay marriage. Otter also has spent nearly $100,000 on outside attorneys according to various reports.

Who knew we wielded so much power over heterosexuals.
Lets see now, we can control the weather, turn men and women gay just with the shear magic of our unions and of course turn any heterosexual, at will, gay and my personal fave, make their children gay just by seeing us hold hands in public.
Can't speak for everyone, I'm feelin' pretty omnipotent right now, aren't you?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, over the years, I have had quite a few 'straight' guys say they wanted to 'try' it with me, and I have had to tell most of them that I don't get involved with married men...and P.S. quit living a lie. B
