Saturday, February 28, 2015

Jeb Bush At CPAC Reiterates Opposition To Marriage Equality

Appearing Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), former Florida governor and potential GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he remains opposed to gay marriage.
When Fox News commentator Sean Hannity asked whether his views on the subject had changed, Bush answered: “No. I believe in traditional marriage.”

The question came a day after BuzzFeed News quoted a Republican supporter as saying that Bush was “evolving” on marriage equality.
David Aufhauser, who recently co-hosted a fundraiser for Bush in Virginia, said of Bush: “His thinking [on marriage equality] appears to have evolved.”
The report also cited a number of Bush hires who support LGBT rights to bring home its point.

Seems to me, Bush has finished *evolving* and has come out his same ol' anti-gay self.

1 comment:

  1. He is also going to have issues with the fucking crazy teatards and bigots because his wife is a Mexican-American.

    I want the GOP to completely explode this year and split in like 3-20 crazy fuck parties. It would ensure a Democrat President in office until I died. Sometimes I have crazy wet dreams.
