Thursday, February 5, 2015

Pope Francis Bitch Slaps The *Intrinsically Disordered* Gay Community...Again!

From Pink News:
During Wednesday’s general audience in Rome, BuzzFeed reports the Catholic leader said: “I greet the pilgrims from Slovakia and, through them, I wish to express my appreciation to the entire Slovak church, encouraging everyone to continue their efforts in defense of the family, the vital cell of society”.
Slovakia will hold its referendum on Saturday.

The questions on the referendum ask whether voters would like marriage to be specifically defined as one man and one woman, whether gay and lesbian couples should be banned from adopting and whether children should be taught sex education classes against their parents’ wishes.
A ruling by the Constitutional Court of Slovakia in October said the referendum does not violate the country’s constitution.
Last month, Pope Francis attacked same-sex marriage, saying those who support it are attempting to “redefine the very institution of marriage”.

Once again, this hateful old homophobe, just like all his predecessors, is using his pulpit as a weapon of Christian terrorism.
It's time to face facts, this evil man and his hateful religion have only one purpose, the dehumanizing, demonizing of gay people, wrongfully using us as a scapegoat for their own iniquities.


  1. I bet the Advocate is so happy they made him the person of the year for their cover for 2013. He is the head bigot for a bigoted religion.

  2. Didn't take long for His Excremency to show his true colors. Ginger is right: the Advocate has some 'splaining to do.
