Sunday, February 8, 2015

Slovakia Referendum Banning Gay Marriage Fails

A referendum which sought to strengthen the Slovakia's constitutional ban on gay marriage failed Saturday.
According to the BBC, the question failed due to low turnout. A minimum of 50% of eligible voters must participate in order for such ballots to be valid, but only 21.4% of voters showed up at the polls.

Voters were asked whether marriage can be limited to heterosexual couples; whether gay couples should be banned from adopting children; and whether parents have the right to let their children skip sex education classes.
Opponents of the measure had encouraged voters to stay home.
However, among those who voted 90% supported strengthening the nation's ban.
The referendum was spearheaded by the conservative group Alliance for Family, NOM, the World Congress of Families and of course the Catholic Church and their Pope.
“We will continue our struggle to protect the family,” the group's Anton Chromik said.
In October, Chromik said that the referendum was needed because “losing the meaning of marriage causes losing of love and in the long run leads to a serious harm of children.”

Don't let that 90% number fool ya, that was 90% of the 21% who voted...the overwhelming majority of people didn't vote for this vile and spiteful referendum.

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