Friday, February 27, 2015

South Africa: ‘Gay cure’ camp leaders found guilty of murder

From Pink News:
Two men who ran a camp linked to “gay conversions” have been found guilty of murder, child abuse and assault.
Three teenage boys died after attending the Echo Wild Game Rangers military-style camp which was intended to “make men” out of teenage boys. Raymond Buys died after two weeks in hospital on life support.
He was beaten, starved and forced to eat his own feces at the camp in 2011. He had brain damage, a broken arm, severe dehydration, and cigarette burns all over his body. His mother was told his chances of survival were “virtually zero”.
Alex de Koker and Michael Erasmus beat Buys with a spade, sticks and a pipe, forced him to eat soap powder and feces and chained him to a bed when he tried to escape.
His mother, Wilna Buys said “I have mixed emotions, but I’m happy that they were both found guilty and that it’s come to an end.

“I think he’s sitting and smiling down on us and is proud of everything we've done. It wasn't easy to be here all the time, but we made a promise to Raymond.”

Your teenage son is dead, you and your husband murdered him, all in the name of your religion.
Your sons last days, his last thoughts even, was a living hell, one his parents forced him into.
This is why reparative therapy must be banned and exactly why unrepentant parents, who even after the murder of their son, still think they were doing the right thing, shouldn't have been allowed to force that decision on a juvenile. 
As far as I'm concerned, you should have been on trial with those men.

1 comment:

  1. It's about time this so-called therapy should be banned in all 50 states and through the U.N. around the world. Some states say it interferes with parental rights. Bullshit!! Parents who force their kids to go to these camps should be arrested. Gay is Gay and no amount of bullshit therapy can change that.
