Friday, February 13, 2015

Turning the tables on homophobes

An Australian youth organization has revisited their popular campaign to fight casual homo-, bi- and transphobia.
Minus18, Australia’s largest youth-led LGBTI organization, originally launched the Another Perspective campaign in 2010. 
It was written, created and designed entirely by the teens at Minus18. Another Perspective features five posters turning casual homophobic quotes on their head and showing them from another perspective, highlighting how it affects LGBTI teens. The in-your-face posters went viral shortly after they were released, scoring over 100,000 shares and attracting over one million views worldwide. People’s sustained interest in the campaign fuelled the organization’s decision to freshen up the campaign’s look and relaunch it.
‘Transphobia, biphobia and homophobia aren’t always overt and obvious, so drawing attention to it in a way that makes people stop and think is really powerful,’ Micah Scott, Minus18’s chief executive, told Star Observer. The posters feature quotes like ‘You’re Cis? So what do you have down there?’ and ‘When are you going to tell your parents you’re straight?’ in a bid to make clear how hurtful these casual comments can be. Scott said the campaign’s appeal stemmed from its design which makes it open for everyone. ‘It’s such an accessible and in-your-face way of challenging the prejudice everyone in our community has experienced,’ he said.