Aaron Schock, a Republican congressman from Illinois, announced today that he is resigning from the US House of Representatives.
Schock has been embroiled in a string of controversies involving his spending on such things as private jets, mileage reimbursements and interior decorating. He also reportedly did not properly disclose that he was accompanied to India on an official trip by a male photographer and videographer.
'The constant questions over the last six weeks have proven a great distraction that has made it too difficult for me to serve the people of the 18th District with the high standards that they deserve and which I have set for myself,' Schock said in a statement.
The final straw, according to Politico, may have been this: Public records obtained by the news organization show that Schock billed the federal government and his campaign for logging roughly 170,000 miles on his personal car between January 2010 and July 2014. But when he sold the car in July 2014, it had only roughly 80,000 miles on the odometer.
Schock, 33, will remain in office until the end of the month.
The former Men's Health cover man with the impressive physique has long been dogged by rumors that he is a closeted gay man.
But has toed the party line and consistently voted against pro-LGBT legislation including the repeal of Defense of Marriage Act, the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and against the inclusion of gays and transgender people to a hate crimes bill.
Goodbye you self loathing closet queen.
The closet is no friend to anyone. Having the GOP as friends it was inevitable for him to be exposed and thrown under the bus.I can't stand these scam artist small government liars.The worst is he's going down for stuff that is probably 1000 times worse with most politicians