Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Scott Lively Proves Once Again, He's Criminally Insane

Christian conservative and failed gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively has declared homosexuality “worse than” murder and genocide.
Lively, founder of the Massachusetts-based Defend the Family International, appeared last week on Bryan Fischer's radio show to discuss his prediction that “global chaos” would ensue if the Supreme court strikes down state bans on gay marriage and promote an upcoming prayer vigil he is organizing as the Supreme Court takes up the issue.

Lively told Fischer that the high court's ruling would cross a line with God unseen “in the entire history of the world since Noah's flood,” which he claimed was the result of “homosexual marriage.”
“The final straw for God was when they started celebrating and engaging in homosexual and bestial marriages,” Lively said.
Elsewhere in the interview, Lively declared homosexuality “the most egregious form of rebellion against God” and a sin “worse than murder and worse than genocide.”
“It's not just another sin,” he added. “It's really a harbinger of the judgment of God. … The celebration by the society [of homosexuality] is a harbinger of the wrath of God.”

I thought Scott said he loved gay people just a couple of weeks ago?
This man has more personalities than Sybil and should be committed for his own safety  (and ours)

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