Monday, March 16, 2015

South Carolina Call For Constitutional Amendment Banning Gay Marriage Advances

A subcommittee of the South Carolina Senate last week approved a resolution calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution limiting marriage to heterosexual couples.
According to The Post and Courier, the measure now heads to the full Senate Judiciary Committee.

Thirty-four states are needed to call for a convention to amend the U.S. Constitution. Amendments must be ratified by 38 states to take effect.
Republican Senator Larry Grooms, the bill's sponsor, said the amendment was needed to ensure the survival of the human race.
“It has to do with the propagation of the our species,” Grooms said. “It is what is in the best interest of our species. Now we're told through a federal judge that now we have to change that. It throws out of kilter all of our laws that have been based on the foundation of a man and a woman [being married].”
Democrats on the subcommittee voted against the measure.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, just plain wow. We hold maybe 15% of the population but we gay people through the right to marry will make the other 85% of the hetrosexual community not reproduce and bring an end to the human race. Like our entire country is the whole world and what is decided here will hold everywhere. Bunch of backward dick heads. Someone please build a working time machine so we can send these ass hats back to the Spanish inquisition ans how they would be treated for their beliefs there. Hint, they would be burned at the stake for their religious beliefs. Just deserts.
