Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Gay Father Gives A Lesson In Tolerance To Homophobic Christians

When husbands Eric and Rich McCaffrey decided to baptize their young son, Jack, they hoped it would be a day of joy and happiness for their entire family.
Instead of being welcomed with open arms, however, the couple were left stunned and disappointed when Jack was turned away from the Cathedral Church of St Luke in Orlando, Florida - just three days before the service was due to take place.
Dean Anthony Clark explained the decision to postpone the baptism was due to some members of the congregation being opposed to the McCaffrey’s family structure.
'At that moment, he was unwelcomed by the church, and denied his rite to be recognized as a Christian,' Rich explained, posting on Facebook last month. 'I was speechless, angry, and heartbroken.
'Jack’s baptism turned out to be the very opposite of what it should have been. It became about Jack having two dads, rather than a community opening its arms to a joyful little soul, one of God’s children.' Sending an important message of tolerance and forgiveness, Rich described the incident as a 'teaching moment' for his son, encouraging him to be compassionate and considerate in the face of judgement.'
'Do not be fearful of what you don’t know'’ he said. 'Keep your heart and mind open to diversity among people, thoughts and experiences.' 'Have patience, take time to learn and to teach others, realizing in the end we are more alike than different. 'Practice what you believe to be true even when it is difficult and you may need to stand alone. 'Demonstrate compassion and love. 'Resist judging others or applying your experience with one person unilaterally. Just because an individual has wronged you does not mean all associated with the person/organization are of the same mind.'
Since sharing his story online, Rich and his family have received an outpouring of support from the community, including members of the Cathedral Church of St Luke.
The Bishop of the Diocese, The Right Rev. Gregory Brewer, offered his apologies around the way the issue was handled at a meeting with the couple on May 7, and explained he would be happy to be a part of Jack’s baptism in the near future.
The Cathedral have also issued a statement clarifying their position on the issue. ‘It is important to note that the Dean and Cathedral have always intended to baptize this child,' they said. 'No one, including the Bishop, "denied" this baptism. We regret the delay, apologize for it and are working with his family on a revised date that will accommodate their schedule and respect the sacrament of Holy Baptism of their child.'
They added: 'As a congregation we will support this family in their desire to raise their child in the Christian faith.' Despite the setback, the couple have decided to go ahead with the baptism at the Cathedral in summer. 'Some may question why we are choosing to return to the Cathedral,' Rich said. 'We are returning because we still have faith in the goodness of people, and we trust people have good intent and ultimately will do the right thing.
'This is not to say faith or trust should be given blindly, but there are moments when you must choose to rise above the fray and acknowledge you are part of something bigger. 'I close with one more lesson for Jack – Aspire to live your life with grace and forgiveness. You will be better for it.'

Though I love the thought and sentiment this couple has shown, the fact remains, Dean Anthony Clark chose to side with bigotry instead of standing up to a couple of parishioners whose sole purpose was one of hate and intolerance..toward an innocent child no less.
Seeing that kind of weak, careless leadership, I'm not so certain this is a place one should bring their child for moral and spiritual guidance.
I get that the couple garnered huge support from members of the community and others in the congregation, but the simple fact, that a few vocal, backstabbing dissenters were allowed to disrupt this child's Baptism is a searing indictment against the lack of moral character and leadership of this church. 
Lets be brutally honest here, that the churches leaderships opinion only changed when a shit storm of bad media was aimed in their direction.
There is no doubt in my mind, that Jack is off to a great start in life, with the kind of love, devotion and support his dads are trying to show and teach him...but maybe, that kind of lesson would best be learned were the leadership is not quite so spineless and cowardly. 

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