Monday, May 4, 2015

Our Own Worse Enemy

Frequent Fox New contributor Guy Benson has come out publicly as a gay man.
Henson, 30, shares the news in a new book he co-wrote by simply writing: 'Guy Here. So, I’m gay.' This revelation is mentioned within the pages of End of Discussion: How the Left’s Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun) co-authored with Mary Katharine Ham.
But his focus remains conservative politics, not LGBTI equality. 'Gay rights is not something that dominates my attentions or my passions,' he tells BuzzFeed News. 'That may seem incongruous, that may seem counter-intuitive to a lot of people, but the issues that I care about most undergird the reasons why I’m a conservative and have been forever and will be a conservative moving forward.' Benson disputes the notion that gay Republicans must be self-loathing because the party's platform has been officially against same-sex marriage.
Party leaders on the federal and state leader have also fought against LGBTI equality and protections. 'I think that’s extraordinarily closed-minded and betrays a lack of imagination, at the very least,' he says of labeling gay conservatives as self-loathing. 'I’m for civil marriage, I’m for nondiscrimination laws,' he says. But, he adds: 'I think there should be broad carve-outs for religious organizations, in particular, and narrow carve-outs for closely-held businesses that serve the wedding industry.'

Here, allow me to translate for him:
He'd sell his own mother to make more money and doesn't give a rats ass about gay, black or women's rights.
He would gleefully rip away any equality gay's have won and dance on their rotting corpses if it meant he could advanced the tea party conservative theocratic principles (oxymoron?).
A true Republican shill, homocon choosing to eat the shit from his conservative masters and lapping their assholes clean in a futile attempt at being their accepted, pet lap dog.
Instead Mr. Benson, I would dare ask, exactly what have you and any Republican ever done for the advancement of gay rights and issues....*crickets*
On the plus side, you and Aaron Schock would make a really cute self loathing closet couple...

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