Friday, May 8, 2015

Rule Britannia

With the final votes counted and the General Election over, Britain is officially the country with the highest number of out LGBT MPs in the world.
At least 152 out LGBT MPs ran for election on 7 May, with 27 of them being elected into the House of Commons today. These numbers mean there is now one more out MP in the Commons than at the time of the dissolution of Parliament; the UK now also holds the highest number of out LGBT MPs ever recorded in the world.

The US certainly could take some lessons from our British cousins..congrats to you all.


  1. Being a Brit and obviously following the election, I did not know that. So thanks!!

  2. that photo's a fake. The sun's out

  3. still wish we hadn't ended up with a Consertative government!

    The sun's out today as well!
