Thursday, June 18, 2015

Eating Your Own

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, this week admitted that there's no criminal threat to pastors who refuse to marry gay and lesbian couples.
Mohler, 55, made his comments during this week's Southern Baptist Convention's two-day meeting in Columbus, Ohio, at which the nation's largest Protestant denomination approved a resolution pledging to defy the Supreme Court if it stuck down state bans on gay marriage.
Social conservatives often claim that if the high court strikes down the nation's remaining 13 bans, then pastors would face criminal prosecution for refusing to marry gay couples.
Mohler said that the “real danger” for opposing pastors wasn't the threat of criminal charges but a cultural backlash.
“It's really important that you and every other pastor needs to say, 'I'm not going to perform a same-sex wedding,'” Mohler said. “But let's be honest, there's not really a danger that the sheriff's gonna show up and say, 'You have to do this.' So far as I know, no pastor has been sued successfully for refusing to marry someone on other grounds – that's not the real danger.”
“The real danger is we're going to pay an enormous social, cultural price for not doing a same-sex ceremony. We're going to be considered morally deficient. Let's admit it. We're much more accustomed to being accused of being morally superior. They've said we've been 'stand-offish' meaning better than them, now a large part of this culture thinks we are morally deficient,” he added.

Every horror these people have envisioned with the ever increasing acceptance of LGBT people, has been shown to be just pure, bigoted bullshit.
It's their own words and actions that have condemned all these various christian religions.
They have demonstrated repeatedly, it isn't immorality they fear, it's the loss of control they have over their followers.
The real truth is, you have no true morality, you barely understand what strife and oppression is, having only dealt it out to those different from you, but seldom experienced yourselves.
Your diseased, white washed view of the world, is fading away and like the picture of Dorian Gray, your true ugliness slowly revealed and the revulsion people feel for you and those like you, becomes more palpable with each passing day.

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