Sunday, June 21, 2015

"First Amendment Defense Act" Protecting America From The Gay Agenda

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) have introduced a bill in the House of Representatives called the "First Amendment Defense Act."
This bill, if passed, would allow federal employees and contractors to refuse service to gay people on the guise of religiously held beliefs.
It also goes further than other bills, it will allow these same people the right to sue the federal government if they feel their religious liberties have been impeded.
Here's what the Human Rights Council has stated about the proposed bill:
"The legislation would prohibit any adverse action by the federal government against an individual or organization for discriminatory actions against legally married same-sex couples as long as they claim they are acting in accordance with their religious beliefs. “Adverse action” is broadly defined to include the denial or revocation of a federal tax status or deduction; denial of a federal grant, contract, loan, benefit or employment; or any other act of discrimination. The bill provides individuals and organizations the right to sue the federal government for monetary damages in federal court.
If passed, this legislation would create a breakdown of government services and runaway litigation.  It would permit a federal employee, for example, to refuse to process tax returns, visa applications or Social Security checks whenever a same-sex couple’s paperwork appears on his or her desk.  This legislation would also permit recipients of federal grants and contracts, including those for social services programs like homeless shelters and substance abuse treatment programs, to turn away LGBT people.  It allows any of these individuals or groups, or anyone else who believes they have been somehow required by the federal government to approve of married same-sex couples, to file a lawsuit and potentially receive damages from taxpayer money."
Another fine bill brought to you by the Mormons and evangelical Christians.

Enjoy the hate, it's all these religions have to offer.

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