Saturday, June 27, 2015

Yet Another Reason Why I Am Proud To Call Barack Obama "Mr. President"


  1. Hi Ulf, I listened to/watched this Friday and I totally agree. Very powerful. Love the rainbow flag on the White House as well! Steve

  2. I was very moved by what the President said about racial relations in this country and about equality in general.

  3. Living in another country now and looking in from afar, you realize how much our lives have always been colored by local prejudice. You also see the preponderance of violence. Everyone around me asks why it is so necessary in the USA. I of course don't have an answer to that. But this tragedy seems to have refocused the country.

    The speech by President Obama, was powerful and direct. This man will go down in history as of of our greatest leaders, if for no other reason, because he has experienced the prejudice, and bigotry first hand. He can relate to those of us who are gay, because of his experience with prejudice and bigotry. His message here is so clear it would be hard even for the zealots not to see it clearly.
    I totally agree with you. I am also proud to call him Mr. President.
