Thursday, July 16, 2015

As The Stomach Turns

Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker on Wednesday expanded on his comments regarding the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) ban on gay adults.
A proposal to allow gay adults to serve as employees and troop leaders advanced this week with a unanimous vote by the BSA's National Executive Committee.
Walker, who on Monday became the 15th candidate vying for the Republican presidential nomination, told conservative website The Independent Journal Review that he “supports the previous membership policy.”
“I was an Eagle Scout. My kids have been involved. Tonette [Walker] was a den mother,” Walker said.
“I have had a lifelong commitment to the Scouts and support the previous membership policy because it protected children and advanced Scout values,” he added.
At a press conference in South Carolina, Walker said that his remarks were not aimed at gay people.
“The protection was not a physical protection,” Walker said, but rather about “protecting them from being involved in the very thing you're talking about right now, the political and media discussion about it, instead of just focusing on what Scouts is about, which is about camping and citizenship and things of that nature.”
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation's largest LGBT rights advocate, was among those who condemned Walker's original remarks.
“Scott Walker's suggestion that the Boy Scouts of America's current discriminatory policy somehow 'protects' children from gay adults is offensive, outrageous, and absolutely unacceptable,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “His comments imply that we represent a threat to the safety and well-being of young people. For a sitting governor and presidential candidate to make such a disgraceful claim is unconscionable. If Scott Walker is trying to get his merit badge in being shamefully irresponsible, he just earned it with flying colors.”

It's worse than that, his whole family is in on the scam.
His two sons are young and hip and support gay rights (sure they do)
Mom is on the fence (because her favorite relative is a lesbian) and plays referee between sons and father, and then you have Daddy dearest, who hates homos and wants them back in the closet to appease his blood thirsty deity.
All of this is a facade of course, an attempt at painting them as the GOP modern family in the inane attempt of appealing to both the hyper conservative base and the more moderate/quasi-supportive youth based demographic.
The whole mess looks like a really bad episode of All In The Family.


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