Monday, July 13, 2015

Before You Pass Judgement...

This video is making the rounds on news sites and blogs everywhere.
It's about two young, male Russians holding hands while walking down the streets of Moscow and the negative attention they attract (mostly from young males)
Disgusting behavior to be sure, but wait a minute, before you jump on the hate Russia bandwagon, watch the second video I'm posting, done by the same group who did this one.

The second video paints an entirely different picture.
Forget about the military aspect, I don't think it was clear to anyone passing by, that this is what it was about.
What I saw, was the different way both cultures approach respect for their elders.
Add this into your moral outrage thought processes when considering the first vid.
I live in the US and truthfully, if I were to walk down the main street of the nearest town to me, I doubt the reactions would be any different than the ones these two got in Russia.
I'm betting, this is probably true almost anywhere and in any country.
Again, I'm not defending the behavior of the Russians, but is it really much different anywhere else?
Just goes to show you, we have a long road ahead of us.


  1. mmm, not sure this proves anything either way

    for a start, two people walking along a sidewalk hand-in-hand is fucking irritating. I don't care if it's two blokes or a bloke and a tart, the signal is `Oh look, we're a COUPLE, and we can't even let each other go in public! Step aside and make way for our dumb loviness`. The vid is trying to draw attention to all the numbnuts who were anti. There were plenty of them, but they were very much outnumbered by all those who walked by without giving a shit

    I also don't like it because it's bogus. In the West two guys do not walk along hand in hand. It's not in our DNA, and gay lib does not change that. Compare Turkey, where it's the normal style of things for two young male friends to walk along arm-in-arm. Or it was: it's dying out now, as they're cluing into the western homo hangup and realising it's not cool. A shame, as in their case it's charming and looks great. Not, as in our case, fake

    as for the veterans vid, I would just like to point out that you're not nice just because you're 90. In my experience, far from it

  2. I recently saw that first video on Facebook and I said the same thing.

    The reaction by those bigots/bullies is no different than anywhere else in the USA or any other countries where hatred is taught by religious bias and is embedded in our 'dear little ears' at an early age. "You have to be carefully taught."
