Monday, July 6, 2015

Scott Walker’s sons disappointed with dad over gay marriage stance...but still back his candidacy

The two sons of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker were not happy to see their father take the US Supreme Court to task for making same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states.
After the 26 June ruling, Republican presidential hopeful Walker stated: ‘I believe this Supreme Court decision is a grave mistake,’ blamed ‘five unelected judges’ and called for an amendment to the US Constitution giving states the ability to decide if same-sex couples can marry.
‘We will need a conservative president who will appoint men and women to the Court who will faithfully interpret the Constitution and laws of our land without injecting their own political agendas,’ Walker also stated.
Matt Walker and Alex Walker immediately voiced their displeasure to their mother.
‘That was a hard one,’ Tonette Walker tells the Washington Post. ‘Our sons were disappointed. . . . I was torn. I have children who are very passionate [in favor of same-sex marriage], and Scott was on his side very passionate.’
She adds: ‘It’s hard for me because I have a cousin who I love dearly – she is like a sister to me – who is married to a woman, her partner of 18 years.’
Alex Walker had even been the best man at the wedding of the cousin, Shelli Marquardt, and her wife Cathy Priem.
At his first public appearance after the ‘grave mistake’ statement, the governor toned down his comments on gay marriage and said: ‘We should respect the opinions of others in America. But that in return means that they not only respect our opinions, they respect what is written in the Constitution.’

The sons are still planning to take some time off from college to work on their dad’s presidential campaign – he will formally announce on 13 July – despite their disagreement on the hot button marriage issue.

Just goes to show you, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
His son's and wife *say* they deeply love their gay cousin and disagree with their dad on this issue, but how quickly they throw both their love for this cousin and their supposed passion for marriage equality out the window so they can help their homophobic father get elected President, who has sworn he will push for a constitutional amendment to overturn marriage equality.
If I was this *dearly loved* cousin, I'd kick these two faced twats to the curb and tell them all to go str8 to hell.  

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