Saturday, July 11, 2015

Speak No Evil

Though I would be the first to support this mans right to say whatever he wants, he didn't just issue the statement as a concerned citizen, he insisted the full weight of his position and title be included with his ignorant beliefs.
The fact he knew this, and stated he knew this, but still insisted it be published that way, speaks of a man who has little or no regard for those he demonizes and dehumanizes.
How could anyone support this man in his very public position knowing he holds many of those he's sworn to protect, with absolute contempt.
His job is to protect and serve *all* the citizens in his jurisdiction, how could he possibly think this would be acceptable?
Quite simply, he doesn't; he expects to be fired, he wants to be a martyr for his vile version of his religion.
At his age, I'm sure he feels secure in the fact, he has a pension, in part, paid for by those very same people he now condemns and has no fear of not being able to sustain his livelihood. 
Peter Hitchens spoke frequently of the nihilism inherent in most religions, Christianity included.
That is what is at the heart of most religions, the obscene belief that to save mankind, they must bring it's destruction.
Don't just fire him, take away his safety net or better yet, demote him to a pavement pounder in the gayest neighborhood you can find.

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