Saturday, August 15, 2015

Children help ISIS stone gay men to death

From Pink News:
A number of children helped pelt two men with stones, as the terrorist group known as Islamic State executed them for homosexuality.
In a shocking clip released this week, two men accused of being gay were thrown off a roof in Homs, Syria.
 The crowd – including children who appear to be of primary school age – then help the group pelt the bodies with stones.
The six-minute video, which is too graphic to reproduce on PinkNews, sees the men sentenced to death for ‘homosexuality’, according to a proclamation.
They are led up a building and onto a high roof, before being thrown off. As their bodies hit the ground, the waiting crowd rushes forward to pelt them with stones.
Their bloodied bodies are then covered with shrouds, as blood is visible.
Though the group often claims to execute gay men, there is no way of actually verifying the sexuality of the men killed.
The United Nations Security Council will this month hold its first ever meeting on LGBT rights – to tackle the issue of the terrorist group’s persecution of gay people.
US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, told reporters on Thursday that the meeting will focus on “ISIL and its systematic targeting of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) persons who find themselves in ISIL-controlled territory.”

The meeting will be hosted by the US and Chile, and all member states interested in LGBT protections will be able to attend.

Like all the Abrahamic religions, Islam is a vile hateful religion steeped in homophobia and misogyny.
Hopefully, someday, people will abandon these death cults and embrace a more peaceful world view toward each other...but that's not going to happen any time soon.


  1. Fucking Disgusting! The christians would do the same if they could. Religion is the disease we should be fighting to cure more than any other.

  2. Hold on, Ginger. Most Christians no. Just the FuckUs in the Family types.
    The last time the UN had a meeting re humane treatment of homosexuals, ALL the delegates of the 54 Islamic countries WALKED OUT! Not one of the countries where Christianity - or no religion, prevails did! Neither did Buddhist nor Hindu countries nor Israel walk out! (btw Israel has a 20% Muslim minority, who IF they were the majority in Israel would have joined their 54 Muslim 'brother' delegations)
    You should also note well that Jesus NEVER condemned gays. He condemned many things - mostly mistreatment of others by people in power - but evidently he didn't think homosexlty 'unnatural' - he knew it occurs in nature; or that that particular sexual orientation needed to be condemned! (Paul on the other hand evidently had no hetero urges - only homosexual longings - & he was going crazy with fear he was going to Hell bcs of it!)
    Too, the story of the centurion whose 'servant'(= male lover) Jesus healed & then Jesus praised (that Roman soldier) as having greater faith than anyone in Israel. [If you want to go cross-eyed-cook-coo-crazy read the different/conflicting views re this story: Healing the centurion's servant - on Wiki; & then: Homosexuality in the New Testament on Wiki. NOT recommended for those w minimal brain power or understanding. LOL]
    Jesus also was unmarried at 33 (the purported age when he was killed). In Biblical times young men & women - almost all over the world! - could marry when they reached puberty (only of course w their parents' consent), so at 33 he could already have been a grandfather! And he was a rabbi (which BTW translated is 'my teacher'- the King James version purposely left that word untranslated bcs Jesus said "call no man your teacher" & the Englishmen translators wanted to show 'see, see how the Jews defy Jesus on everything!' But'WTF? why that strange 'teaching' - for what was he doing - but teaching!)
    And as it was the accepted idea at that time that all rabbis should be married to be 'complete.' So he disagreed with that notion. Also, he went around with 12 other guys - his disciples, the only one of whom once was married was Peter. We only know that bcs Peter had a mother-in-law. The gospels don't say if Peter was a widower, or was still married, what his wife's name was, if any of the other guys were married, what the names of their wives were. If they had children. It was for those Biblical times evidently UNimportant to mention such unimportant trivial 'details.' re mere women. AND - if any of them were married w children, who was to take care of them while these men were traipsing all over creation? Think about that - oh, ye, of Focus on the Family & other such unBiblical organizations. Yes, there are many millions of people who call themselves Christians, but who DON'T follow Jesus' teachings re Love!
    There's more. Much MORE! Regarding the Koran & Muhammad's 'teachings'[Lik: there's 99 names for Allah - but - guess what! - Love isn't one of them!] And, don't misunderstand. I'm not endorsing everything the Bible says Jesus said. There's a lot on inconsistency there & many sayings/teachings I can't accept (or even understand how any Man of Love could spout.)

    But enough for now. So let's go back to nature - to contemplating the beauty of the nude male. Especially the beauty of their butts. (Well, SOME male nudes & their backsides, those who aren't controversially - just simply - incontestably, beautiful...)
