Monday, August 31, 2015

The Catholic Church Just Can't Stop Hating Homosexuals

From Ontopmagazine:
The Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) on Sunday called on the public and lawmakers to oppose efforts to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry in the Philippines.
Leaders said that Catholic lawmakers have “a moral duty” to publicly oppose marriage equality and to vote against its legalization.

“A homosexual union is not and can never be a marriage as properly understood and so-called,” the CBCP said in a statement posted on its website.
“There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and the family.”
“Catholics cannot participate in any way or even attend religious or legal ceremonies that celebrate and legitimize homosexual unions.”
The CBCP said it was opposed to marriage equality because same-sex relationships “are not able to contribute in a proper way to the procreation and survival of the human race.”
More than 80 percent of Filipinos are Catholic.
According to the AFP, divorce and abortion remain illegal in the conservative nation mainly due to the Catholic Church's influence.

Just like in all other instances, the church isn't just against gays marrying, the church is against any form of public or private recognition of homosexual unions, not only by the those within the church, but command it's followers vote against any homosexual unions.
This in my opinion, takes them into the realm of politics and I think, just cause to remove their tax exempt status.


  1. same-sex relationships “are not able to contribute in a proper way to the procreation and survival of the human race.”

    there are 7 billion people in the world - which is double what there was when I was a young man

    it is rising at the rate of 200,000 per day - very largely owing to the Catholic Church's ban on contraceptives

    how many more babies do they want? heterosexuals are copulating us all to extinction, yet homosexual unions are banned

    I would also like enlightenment on their idea of `God's plan for marriage and the family`. Nobody knows what this is. When Adam and Eve had a bunk-up in the Garden of Eden they got banished. Heterosexuals have been breaking God's commandment ever since

    the early church was well aware of this awkward situation, since it regarded all sex as sinful. I repeat: ALL sex. This is why monks and nuns and the Catholic clergy are celibate even today

    the human race seems to be procreating and surviving very well thankyou, and was doing so long before Rome was built

  2. They also claim homosexuality is unnatural, however you touch on the very argument I've made over and over again, what could be more natural than a limiting factor for excessive population growth?
    Call it Gods design or natural adaptive selection, it all amounts to the same thing...homosexuality equals population suppression.
