Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Enemy Within

End of Discussion: How the Left’s Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun)

This is the liner note in anti-gay Republican Fox news contributor Guy Benson's new co-authored book (with his fellow shrill and anti-gay besty gal pal Mary Katharine Ham)
Sad part about all this, Guy also identifies as gay, but like all conservative homocons, hides his self loathing religious conservatism by ALWAYS adding, being gay doesn't define who he is.
One must assume, having watched his and Hams unopposed tirade against militant homo's at the RedState conservative gathering on Saturday that the less free and fun part of being an anti-gay religious conservative is that they are being called out for their bigotry and being confronted with it.
Benson seems to think that we should just be silent and let them treat us like second class citizens.
He and Ham both repeatedly focus on marriage equality being the divisive issue in our culture today and both have been extolled in interviews with anti-gay mouthpieces and religious organizations as the voice of reason.
End message of this book, gays bad for voicing their opinions and religious conservativism,
traditional marriage and the ability to discriminate against gays, good.
The truly funny part of all this, is that both of them shut down any opposing conversation to their hate filled diatribes and have only been promoting their book on conservative friendly show's, most of which are extremely anti-gay troll mills.
I have stated before and will again (and probably many more times before I die) being a gay Republican is no different than being a Jewish Nazi.

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