From Gaystar News:
A Catholic mother trying to stop her gay teen son from
having sex with other men has turned to the internet for advice, and
they have responded in the best way.
Posting on Reddit,
the mother ‘scaredcatholicmom’ said: ‘What else can I do to make sure
my son with SSA (same sex attractions) remains on the right path? How
can I stop being so afraid for him?’She said her son, just 17, had come out when he was 14. And it seemed like she said the right things.
‘After we got over our initial shock (and I had taken some time to grieve the loss of my dreams of his one day having a family), we sat him down and told him we loved him, and that what he had told us wouldn’t change that in the slightest,’ she said.
But for the last three years, the parents have been teaching him the only way ‘people like him’ can lead life is to remain celibate.
She said: ‘We also set up other defenses for his chastity: we pulled him off of the basketball team (the locker room would just be an unnecessary temptation, and his presence there would be inappropriate and unfair to the other boys in his situation).
‘We took the door off of his bedroom since privacy would just tempt him to experiment in the ways teen boys tend to do, and we forbid him from having sleepovers or spending one-on-one time with any of his male friends unsupervised…we also forbid him from dating, or participating in activities like his high school prom…unlike our other sons, we never allowed him to have a cell phone, since he might use it to access inappropriate and confusing images.’
These are the results of ‘Mom’s loving care’.
‘Our son has often told my husband and me that he feels very lonely, and that it’s devastating that hie’ll never be able to be in love or have a family. He went through a bout of depression after our oldest married, since he knows that’s something he’ll never be able to have, and that he’ll never be able to make us proud and happy that way. But we were always very firm in explaining that coping with loneliness and envy are always going to be a part of his life.’
And now, this mom is concerned that her son is going to head to college and is going to act on his same-sex attractions. She said if he does, his financial support will be cut off.
Responding to this horrific mother, a gay Catholic Reddit user said: ‘Regardless of your view of homosexuality, what you are doing to your son is abusive. You are just teaching him that he’s inherently bad and dangerous by singling him out from his brothers the way you have; you’re alienating him and ruining his self-esteem.
‘If your priest has signed off on all this, he needs better counsel – preferably from a legitimate, licensed mental health professional. Not for being gay, but for getting over having parents who decided to treat him like a dangerous criminal instead of a vulnerable child.’
And another one said: ‘I had a friend in high school that was gay in a Christian family, although they didn’t go so far as to remove his bedroom door and take away his phone and friends as you have done.
‘I say “had” because he took his own life.
‘His suicide note said it was because he
felt unnatural, unwelcome, unwanted, and he would never be able to live
how his parents told him he was going to have to live.
‘Please don’t drive your son to this.’
This is nothing more than a "How to make your gay son kill himself guide"
People like this, no matter how well meaning, can't possibly not see how destructive they are being.
This woman and her husband don't deserve to have children.
It has always baffled me, that we require people to get a license to drive, a diploma to show we have met the necessary knowledge on any particular subject, but we don't require anything at all to squeeze out a dependent, human life.
I agree that you should have to have a license in order to raise children. But can you imagine the uproar from the LESS GOVERNMENT crowd?