Monday, September 7, 2015

The Ten Most Unfriendly Cities In The World...In Order

1 Moscow, Russia
2 Atlantic City, New Jersey
3 St Petersburg, Russia
4 Marseille, France
5 Los Angeles, California
6 New York City, New York
7 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
8 Baltimore, Maryland
9 Las Vegas, Nevada

10 Cannes, France

While I haven't been to many of the places on this list, I'm not so sure I agree with Atlantic City being the second most unfriendly place, been there many times on vacation, usually with friends and haven't really noticed it being that horrible (it is very touristy though)


  1. very surprised that Baghdad, Kabul, Karachi, Pyongyang and my local shopping mall never made it onto the list

  2. I can agree on Las Vegas. Very unfriendly to gay travelers.

  3. Who composed the "unfriendly" list? I don't understand how NYC and LA made both lists.
