Sunday, November 8, 2015

Being Gay Is Marvel(ous)

In the comics, Marvel’s anti-hero Deadpool is a pansexual flirt that will get with literally anyone.
And with Ryan Reynolds starring in the upcoming film of the character, both the actor and film’s director Tim Miller have revealed that the superhero’s sexuality will be definitely still fluid.
Speaking to Collider, Miller and Reynolds responded to the ‘tantalizing fireside photo’ that was released to tease the film.
‘Does this mean it will be a very hypersexualized Deadpool?’ the site asked.
‘Pansexual!’ Miller replied. ‘I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool.’
Reynolds added: ‘There is some sexuality in this movie for sure. You kinda think you have moments when you’re shooting where you think, “This is, uh, a little excessive. This is a comic book movie. Are we gonna get away with this?”
Meanwhile, one of the original members of Marvel Comics’ X-Men is about to come out as gay for a second time.
Iceman, AKA Bobby Drake, came out as gay in April in All-New X-Men #40 – a series which had younger versions of the original X-Men travel from the past to the present day to fight alongside the modern X-Men team.
However that left readers with a conundrum as present day Iceman in the ongoing series Uncanny X-Men continued to be portrayed as heterosexual.
Now Uncanny X-Men writer Brian Michael Bedis has addressed the issue by having the younger Iceman confront present day Iceman for being still in denial about his sexual orientation – asking him if he really wants to continue living that way.
In issue 600 of the series, released this week, the younger Bobby Drake confronts his future self, saying, ‘Hi much older me, I need to talk.’
‘I’m gay, it turns out, so that means you are too, right?’
‘I don’t think I want to live my whole life hiding this part of myself. I understand why maybe you did, though I’m not sure why you still do … You can keep doing whatever you want but I’m stuck here [in the present] and I think I’m going to try to live this my way.’
The older Iceman then breaks down and sheds a single tear of ice before confirming, ‘You’re going to be a mutant AND gay’ before asking, ‘how are you more put together than me?’
Marvel have not revealed any other details about the plot of Uncanny X-Men #600 but leaked three panels of the comic to The Advocate so it seems the entertainment giant is keen to get the LGBT community interested.

‘But so far so good. Studio hasn’t crushed us with anything. They were here yesterday, they were thrilled, they saw some cut footage and so far so good.’

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