Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Just Another Reason To Love Canada

Canada will accept 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February with priority given to families, vulnerable women, gay men, lesbians and LGBT people.
Tuesday’s (24 November) announcement comes after it was reported that the government would not accept single young men as they could pose a security risk.
But the government has now said it will sponsor gay men and those who identify as members of the LGBT community, according CBC News.

‘The government is aware that gays could be persecuted, and therefore plans to include them in the selection process aimed at rescuing some of the region’s most vulnerable refugees,’ the Ottawa Citizen reported.
Over the last year, ISIS has executed dozens of men accused of being gay in its controlled areas of Iraq and Syria.
‘We have a responsibility to significantly expand our refugee targets and give more victims of war a safe haven in Canada,’ said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
‘The resettling of vulnerable refugees is a clear demonstration of this. While our plan is ambitious, it reflects Canada’s commitment to share responsibility and offer protection to those who need it. Canada must once again be regarded as the compassionate, generous country we’ve always been.’

Canada has already accepted 3,089 Syrian refugees, and will invest up to $678 million over the next six years toward resettling and integrating the 25,000 new arrivals.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo Canada and prime minister Trudeau--God Bless You.
