Monday, November 23, 2015

Rubio on the “political advantage” of terrorist attacks

“I obviously am not happy about the events that happened last week in Paris, but I think it’s a positive development that it suddenly has forced Americans to confront more carefully the issue of national security, because it is the most important thing a president will do, and it’s the most important function of the federal government.”

This is a Presidential Republican candidate, getting a boner over the terrorist attacks in Paris because it's politically advantages for his party, because, you know...up till now, they have had nothing to offer the American people except their fear of  the gays, abortion and brown people.
Please tell me Mr.Rubio, exactly how many terrorist attacks have taken place on American soil?
Now, tell me, how many crazy conservative conspiracy theorist with legally obtained guns successfully committed such attacks?
Your political party is the embodiment of all that is wrong with this country and your answer to everything, is bomb it back into the stone age (right were you and the rest of your cronies belong)

1 comment:

  1. I think what he's trying to say, in his fake-presidential twaddle, is that `positive developments` are fine, as long as they happen to other people
