Saturday, November 7, 2015

Russian Law In Works To Ban Any Public Display Of Homosexual Behavior

The new law would make any public display of “non-traditional sexual relations” an offence that could lead to 15 days in prison and a fine.
It would build on top of Russia’s existing broad ‘gay propaganda’ law, which bans the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality anywhere children can see.

Ivan Nikitchuk, Communist party MP and one of the drafters of the new bill, told a Russian newspaper that he and Nikolay Arefyev, also of the Communist party, wrote this new legislation because the 2013 anti-LGBT law that “bans the promotion of homosexuality” had “proved insufficiently effective.”
Talking to Russian newspaper Izvestia, Nikitchuk went on to say “[homosexuality] is a huge threat to every normal person, which can affect children or grandchildren, and thus interrupt the race.”
In an interview on Russian radio that was reported in Gazeta, Nikitchuk stated that this new law would only apply to men because “We believe that women are more reasonable and more people are guided by emotions…So far, women are not affected. To respect women.”
Tanya Cooper, Russia researcher at Human Rights Watch has come out against the law, saying “This draft law is a new and absurd low in discriminatory legislative proposals,  “The draft proposes to effectively outlaw being gay, and just being yourself could land you behind bars.”
This follows Vladimir Putin’s appearance on American news show 60 Minutes, where he claimed that “I believe there should not be any criminal prosecution or any other prosecution or infringement of people’s rights on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religious or sexual orientation.”
“We have no persecution at all,” he added.

Of course Putin counts on the ignorance of Russian laws to play in this deceitful doublespeak.
He is correct, there haven't been any prosecutions of  people persecuting gay's, because it isn't illegal to do so, so there is no crime to report.
60 minutes surely had to know this when doing their report, one must wonder why the American news media is letting him get by with it.
As I predicted, they will just keep escalating and disseminating homohysteria until the final push to illegality and the rounding up of anyone suspected of homosexuality (for their own protection of course)
None of this addresses the real problem, the one they say they are trying to fix by doing this, the Russian birthrate is dropping sharply, but homosexuality isn't the problem, it's their archaic, misogynistic treatment of women, who would rather support themselves, live on their own than deal with Russian male bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. `So far, women are not affected`

    translation: I will do anything to protect the children, except when it comes to the titivating prospect of girl/girl action
