Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ted Cruz Holds His Own Anti-gay Hate Rally In South Carolina

US Senator Ted Cruz is sponsoring a rally featuring religious activists who see the LGBT community influenced by Satan. The event is called the Rally for Religious Liberty in Greenville, South Carolina.
As reported by Right Wing Watch, the rally is held today, 14 November, on the campus of Bob Jones University. The Republican presidential candidate will be joined by Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council. Over the years, Perkins as referred to LGBT activists as ‘pawns’ of the devil.
Kevin Swanson, a pastor who has called for the death of gays and lesbians, will also be joining Cruz. Last week,the Texas senator participated in a Iowa conference held by Swanson. In his speech, the pastor called for the US to repent because of the sexuality of Dumbledore, a fictional character in the Harry Potter series. This past summer, as Right Wing Watch notes, Swanson insisted ‘the homosexual borg, is the power in the principality of the demonic world itself.’
EW Jackson is also part of today’s rally. In a 2012 interview , the Virginia activist called LGBT people ‘spiritually darkened.’
‘Their minds are perverted, they’re frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally,’ he continued.
Bob Jones University is a perfect setting for Cruz’s campaign stop. In the 1970s and 1980s the school used the Bible as justification for its racially discriminatory policies (the school banned interracial dating). Although founded in 1927, black students were not admitted until 1971.
In 2000 the university’s third president, Bob Jones III, called Catholicism and Mormonism‘ cults which call themselves Christian.
Cruz insisted at the rally, that the issue of same-sex marriage “is not settled”.
Cruz said: “This is not settled. It’s not the law of the land. It’s not the Constitution. It’s not legitimate, and we will stand and fight.”
It comes months after he was one of four Republican Presidential candidates to sign a pledge to void the marriages of thousands of loving same-sex couples.
The National Organization of Marriage pledge signed by Cruz, Rick Santorum, Dr Ben Carson, and Bobby Jindal commits to create a new constitutional amendment, defining marriage as between a man and a woman voiding the thousands of existing same-sex weddings across all 50 states.
It also commits to “prevent the promotion of a redefined version of marriage in public schools” effectively de-facto banning teachings about same-sex marriage or same-sex couples.
The pledge signed by Cruz also vows to protect “the right of organizations and individuals” who disagree with same-sex marriage – by repealing all laws protecting same-sex couples from discrimination.

Personally, I feel all LGBT people should carry around a small bag of rocks and every time one of these religious assholes quote a Biblical verse calling for the stoning of homosexuals, that person should then be pelted with those stones, so that they can better understand that hate speech and incitement has consequences.
Who knows, if they knew how it felt, they may not be so quick to pass judgement on others.

1 comment:

  1. Rally for Religious Hatred. Showing solidarity with their IS brethren
