Sunday, November 29, 2015
What Would You Do if Your Child Was Gay?
Its interesting that the three Muslims interviewed had completely negative reactions to their child being gay, ranging from forced reparative therapy to killing him/her.
On almost every single liberal media outlet (and yes, I consider myself a moderate liberal) people are being lambasted when they speak out against Islam for being extremely homophobic.
Truth is, it is, every bit as much as any other Abrahamic religion, so please explain to me why I should, as a moderate liberal, cut them any slack whatsoever?
As vile as some Christians can be towards homosexuals and some even calling for them to be murdered (yes I said murder, because that's what it is) it's not the fucking law of the land, not even in Russia, even tho 80 percent of Russians think homosexuals should be murdered or at the very least isolated.
Yet, in almost every Muslim controlled country, they have such laws, whether they enforce them or not, they are still there.
Islam is NOT a religion of peace, it is a hateful diseased death cult that even surpasses Catholicism in the vile things it has done in the name of a blood thirsty monster they call God.
Agreed. Liberals need to get over allowing Muslims a pass on their homophobia.