Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Christian Sharia Law Coming To A Slovak State Near You

Russia’s State Duma will decide on whether to ban people from coming out as gay next week on 19 January.
Two senior Russian Communist MPs Ivan Nikitchuk and Nikolai Arefyev have presented a bill calling for people who come out as LGBT to serve up to 15 days behind bars.
Any public displays of affection among gay men will result in jail time and a fine of 5,000 rubles ($80, €60).
The proposed bill is only targeting gay men, as women, according to the lawmakers, are more ‘reasonable’ and can ‘manage their emotions’.
The legislation is intended at strengthening ‘traditional Orthodox values’.
‘We have our own idea of honor and conscience, and we must respect tradition. The scum that comes to us from the West is unnatural to Russia. These unconventional sexual desires do nothing but disgust normal, smart, healthy people,’ Nikitchuk said, according to the Russian News Service.
‘It is sick that disgusting people feel they should be treated the same.’
While the propaganda law covers the banning of Pride, this initiative will include 15 days in jail for any person wishing to support the rights of sexual minorities.
‘I do not think lawmakers dare to express their explicit support for homosexuals,’ Nikitchuk said, referencing how the propaganda law passed in 2013 swept through the Duma.
Nikitchuk and Arefyev have said the reason they are presenting the bill is because the current law banning the promotion of non-traditional relationships is not ‘effective’ enough.

Just as predicted right here, the religious right isn't happy with the results of their attempts to silence LGBT people, so they are calling upon their obedient thralls to up the ante and of course, even this measure will not satiate their need for blood, carnage and death.
This legislation, like all previous anti-gay legislation in Russia, will pass without opposition and will shortly be followed with recriminalization of homosexuality.
This, more than anything else, demonstrates why we can never turn a deaf ear to the religious right in any free society, all religious leaders have ever done is oppress minorities to bolster their relentless quest for power and control.


  1. American and Russian politics don't line up in any way at all Ulf

    the Communist Party is about as far from the `religious right` as you can get (official party doctrine is atheism, and you can't get much further left than Communism)

    I even think that the motives of Texan rednecks and Moscow dinosaurs are governed by different pressures (for instance, Russia is going bankrupt)

    also you mean `Slav` - Slovakia is a small country in Central Europe

    the one thing that does join them all is quite simply hatred. By trying to group them under some heroic banner like `the religious right` you are covering up the fact that they are just a Bunch of Shits

  2. Did you not read the article, they are promoting what they said was traditional orthodox views, as in Russian orthodox as in religion.
    Furthermore, these guys may call themselves communist, but they have absolutely nothing in common with that ideology, it would be most apt to call them what they really are, the very thing their counterparts (the religious right/teabaggers) here in the US and throughout Europe are...fascist.
    Just another form of control while hiding behind the robes of Jesus.
    I would agree with you about them being a bunch of shits though.
