Friday, January 8, 2016

Gary Johnson Announces Presidential Bid As Libertarian

Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson on Thursday announced his bid for the White House.
During an appearance on Fox Business, Johnson told anchor Neil Cavuto that he hopes to be the Libertarian Party's presidential nominee in 2016. Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012.

Johnson told Cavuto that the nation's biggest issue is its increasing debt.
During his 2012 campaign, Johnson dropped his bid to become the GOP presidential nominee to pursue the Libertarian Party's nomination.
Before he jumped ship, Johnson endorsed marriage equality.
“As a believer in individual freedom and keeping government out of personal lives, I simply cannot find a legitimate justification for federal laws, such as the Defense of Marriage Act, which 'define' marriage. That definition should be left to religions and individuals – not government. Government's role when it comes to marriage is one of granting benefits and rights to couples who choose to enter into a marriage 'contract.' As I have examined this issue, consulted with folks on all sides, and viewed it through the lens of individual freedom and equal rights, it has become clear to me that denying those rights and benefits to gay couples is discrimination, plain and simple,” Johnson said during an online town hall hosted by gay GOP group GOProud.

The moment I read he was being backed by GOProud, I lost complete interest.
Still, I did a little digging...big business all the way, believes that there should be no income tax on corporations or business *entities*. (the real reason GOProud supports him)
Absolutely against hate crime legislation and threatened veto of any attempt to try and pass one.
Wants to gut Mcdicare and Medicade and repeal Obamacare, believes your medical health should be left to private businesses.
Would abolish the student loan program, no fed support for higher education (only the wealthy should be able to afford education you know)
And, one of my personal faves, abolish the education system, use voucher system and turn it over to private business.
If none of that convinces you, he's a devotee of Ayn Rand... 'nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. The minute I read he appeared on Fox news I lost interest. Still I kept reading and yes, another a-hole Republican.
