Monday, January 18, 2016

Now Gay People Are Responsible For Creating ISIS...

The Russian Orthodox Church is now blaming ISIS on gay people.
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the country’s largest religious organization, said he believes terrorists are a reaction to the rise of a ‘godless civilization’ which welcomes events like Pride.
He said: ‘What we are seeing now is this godless civilization is reaching maturity, in as much by through the will of the people, who proclaim it the highest of virtues but then wearing a cross is banned.
‘We can have parades for the sexual minorities – that is supported, but a million French Christian protesters defending family values are broken up by police. If you call nontraditional relationships a sin, as the Bible teaches and you are a priest or pastor, then you risk not only your ability to serve but you may be sent to prison.
‘I could offer more simply frightening examples of how the godless civilization is growing yet here they are drawing attention to young people being converted by extremists. “Look how they build the world – an unholy world, but we invite you to build God’s world.” And they respond to that; it is for this they give their lives.’
The Patriarch said he believes Christians are the ‘most downtrodden religious community’ and how, in many places in Europe, ‘public displays of Christian sentiment’ are banned.
Russia has a law that bans the propaganda of homosexuality and the State Duma is currently considering a bill that would ban people from coming out as gay, public displays of same-sex affection and Pride.
Valery Sozaev, founder of a Russian gay Christian group Nuntiare and Recreare, said: ‘[Extremists] regularly participate in violent physical attacks on the Russian LGBT community and they do so with church approval, using the same rhetoric heard straight from the Patriarch’s mouth to justify their actions.
‘This religion has nothing to do with Christ. It is the religion of human hatred, not love.’

Yes, because there are so many gay pride parades in the middle east...
Just a special little observation, in each and every instance Kirill cites, it is the *so called* Christians that incite and call for violence and not one church or priest has been jailed or shut closed for this evil, yourself included asshat. 

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