Sunday, January 31, 2016

Self Loathing Anti-Gay Log Cabin Republicans Go After Clinton

As presidential Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton makes a final push before the Iowa caucus, she faces fire from the Log Cabin Republicans.
The LGBT GOP organization’s web ad takes the candidate to task for her stance against marriage equality. In various clips, from 2002 to 2004, Clinton expresses disapproval of same-sex marriage.
The ad ends with a clip of Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s opponent in this year’s primary, noting in a 2015 interview that ‘it’s important to stand up when the going gets tough.’
‘Democrats and members of the LGBT community have given Hillary Clinton a pass on past transgressions and even allowed her to rewrite the history of the gay rights movement; Log Cabin Republicans will not,’ Gregory T. Angelo, LCR president said in a statement.
Candidate Clinton’s stance on LGBT rights has been a much discussed topic this bruising primary season. This past November, in a Democratic Party debate, the candidate acknowledged her past, specifically in the 1990s during the conversation of the Defense of Marriage Act (signed into law by then President Bill Clinton).
She has maintained the past is the past, and that now she fully supports marriage equality and LGBT rights.
In 1996 when DOMA was being considered, Sanders, who was in the House of Representatives, voted against the legislation; it passed the lower chamber rather easily, 342-67.
Despite her history, Clinton recently received the endorsement of the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT civil rights group in the US.
‘All the progress we have made as a nation on LGBT equality — and all the progress we have yet to make — is at stake in November,’  HRC President Chad Griffin said in a 19 January statement.
As for the Republican presidential candidates some pine for the days of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the military policy that blocked gay, lesbian, and bisexual troops from openly serving. Others have stood up for Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to issues marriage certificates to LGBT couples.
All are against marriage equality.

The Iowa caucus is this Monday, 1 February.

As disappointing as the Clinton's have been to the LGBT community in the past, at least they aren't homosexuals who support, fund and promote a political party who collectively would legislate a form of Christian Sharia law that would make Ugandan laws seem like a walk in the park.
I have absolutely no respect for LGBT people who vote against their own kind just so they can protect their own bank accounts and appease the haters in their families.
I sincerely hope your the first ones they march into the gas chambers.  

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